Savin mp c2003 attention required
Savin mp c2003 attention required

savin mp c2003 attention required

Moreover, some suggest that visual distractions may even increase likelihood of “change blindness,” a phenomena whereby a subject may look in a certain area and not see or comprehend the objects in front of them (Durlach, 2004 Y. This result is well aligned with more recent results indicating the limitations of drivers' multitasking abilities (Levy & Pashler, 2008 Levy, Pashler, & Boer, 2006).

savin mp c2003 attention required

Recarte and Nunes ( 2000) measured the number of glances to the mirror during a lane change, noting that visual distractions decrease the glance durations by 70–85%. In the driving context, there are many well-known cognitive and visual distractions that can draw the driver's attention (Angell et al., 2006 Doshi, Cheng, & Trivedi, 2009). ( 2001) found that certain unrelated gestalt motion patterns on radar screens drew the attention of air traffic controllers away from the task at hand. In certain cases, these stimuli may affect primary task performance Landry et al. In fact, perceptual decisions after a visual search are driven not only by visual information at the point of eye fixation but also by attended information in the visual periphery (Eckstein, Caspi, Beutter, & Pham, 2004). Carmi and Itti ( 2006) show that dynamic visual cues play a causal role in attracting visual attention.

savin mp c2003 attention required

It is clear that in certain critical environments, distractions play an important role in attracting attention. These studies suggest the hypothesis that the interactive dynamics of head and eye movements may encode information about the type of attention shift, and thus the cognitive state, of the human subject. These studies occurred in very controlled, arguably unnatural environments more recent studies into “natural” tasks involving grasping, tapping, or sitting in a lecture (Doshi & Trivedi, 2009a Herst, Epelboim, & Steinman, 2001 Mennie, Hayhoe, & Sullivan, 2007 Pelz, Hayhoe, & Loeber, 2001) have suggested that task-oriented gaze shifts may be associated with early head motions. Others have found that early head motions, with respect to the saccade, are associated with target predictability, location, propensity to move the head, and timing (Freedman, 2008 Fuller, 1992 Khan, Blohm, McPeek, & Lefèvre, 2009 Morasso, Sandini, Tagliasco, & Zaccaria, 1977 Ron, Berthoz, & Gur, 1993 Zangemeister & Stark, 1982). A number of studies have shown that when presented with a stimulus in the field of view, the head tends to lag behind the eye during the gaze shift (Bartz, 1966 Goossens & Opstal, 1997).

savin mp c2003 attention required

Studies into the dynamics of head and eye gaze behavior tend to hint that attention is linked to the types of movements of head and eye.

Savin mp c2003 attention required